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ویندوز پاورشل (Windows PowerShell) یک موتور خودکار قابل ارتقا است از طرف مایکروسافت که شامل یک پوسته خط فرمان و همراه یک زبان پردازه‌نویسی است.

ویندوز پاورشل با بهره‌گیری و همراه چهارچوب دات‌نت ارایه شده‌است. و چهارچوبی برای اتوماسیون کردن وظایف است پاور شل به مدیران امکان مدیریت سیستم را در هر دو حالت محلی و از راه دور را می دهد.

Ebook List:

Addison-Wesley Essential PowerShell (2008)

Apress Pro Windows PowerShell (2008)

Course Technology Microsoft Windows PowerShell 2.0 Programming for the Absolute Beginner 2nd (2009)

Course Technology Microsoft Windows PowerShell Programming for the Absolute Beginner (2007)

Manning Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches (2011)

Manning PowerShell and WMI (2012)

Manning PowerShell in Depth, An Administrator's Guide (2013)

Manning PowerShell in Practice (2010)

Manning Windows PowerShell In Action (2007)

Manning Windows Powershell in Action 2nd (2011)

MCGraw-Hill Osborne PowerShell for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administrators (2011)

Microsoft Press Windows PowerShell 2.0, Administrator's Pocket Consultant (2009)

Microsoft Press Windows PowerShell 3.0, Step by Step (2013)

Microsoft Press Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide (2008)

OReilly Windows PowerShell Cookbook (2008)

OReilly Windows PowerShell Cookbook 2nd (2010)

OReilly Windows PowerShell Cookbook 3rd (2013)

OReilly Windows PowerShell for Developers (2012)

OReilly Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference (2008)

OReilly Windows PowerShell Pocket Reference 2nd (2013)

Packt Publishing Instant Oracle Database and PowerShell How-to (2013)

Packt Publishing Microsoft Exchange 2010 PowerShell Cookbook (2011)

Packt Publishing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Windows PowerShell 2.0, Expert Cookbook (2011)

Packt Publishing Microsoft Windows PowerShell 3.0 First Look (2012)

Packt Publishing SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook (2012)

Packt Publishing Windows Server 2012 Automation with PowerShell Cookbook (2013)

SAMS PowerShell for SharePoint 2010, How-to (2011)

SAMS Windows PowerShell Unleashed (2007)

Sapien Press Windows PowerShell v1.0, TFM 2nd (2007)

Sybex Automating Active Directory Administration with Windows PowerShell 2.0 (2011)

Sybex Automating Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with Windows PowerShell 2.0 (2011)

Wiley Microsoft PowerShell, VBScript and JScript Bible (2009)

Wiley Windows PowerShell 2 for Dummies (2009)

Wiley Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible (2011)

Wrox Press Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration with Windows PowerShell (2009)

Wrox Press Professional SQL Server 2008 Administration with Windows PowerShell (2009)

Wrox Press Professional Windows PowerShell (2007)

Wrox Press Professional Windows PowerShell for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (2008)

Wrox Press Professional Windows PowerShell Programming (2008)

More info (open/close)


فرمت کتاب: PDF

حجم فایل: 272 مگابایت

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[h=3]رمز فایل[/h] www.p30download.com

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